Rahela Jurković


  • 2021. „The ‘integrative potential’ and socio-political constraints of football in Southeast Europe: a critical exploration of lived experiences of people seeking asylum“, published in co-authorship with Ramón Spaaij, Sport in Society 25 (3): 636-653.


  • 2021. „Nogomet kao sredstvo izgradnje socijalnog kapitala izbjeglica u Hrvatskoj“, Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 69 (2): 477-492.


  • 2021. „Integration into Society through Sport: a Case Study of Hestia FC, the First Refugee and Migrant Women’s Football Team in Greece“, Proceedings of 9th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology, ed. Sanja Šalaj i Dario Škegro, Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology.


  • 2019. „Život nematerijalne kulturne baštine na primjeru Grgureva u Požegi“, Proceedings of the conference Nesnovna dediščina med prakso in registri. 15. Vzporednice med slovensko in hrvaško etnologijo, ed. Ana Svetel i Tihana Petrović Leš, Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo in Hrvaško etnološko društvo, 228-244.


  • 2018. „Migranti i sport: nogomet kao prostor integracije izbjeglica u Hrvatskoj“, Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 66 (3): 477-491.


  • 2018. „Interaction as a Key Connective Tissue of Refugee Integration in Croatian Society“, published in co-authorship with Marijeta Rajković Iveta, Proceedings of the conference Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe, ed. Marijeta Rajković Iveta, Petra Kelemen and Drago Župarić-Iljića, FF Press; Zagreb: 233-252.


  • 2018. „Political discourse on refugees Compared to refugees’ individual Stories: The Case of Croatia“ , Us vs. Them in Central and Eastern Europe Populism, the Refugee Other and the Re-Consideration of National Identity, Budapest: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 30-40.


  • 2016. „’Okus doma’: integracija azilanata protkana transnacionalnim procesima i promicanjem kulinarskih tradicija”/ „’Taste of Home’: Integration of Asylees Intertwined with Transnational Processes and the Promotion of Culinary Traditions”, published in co-authorship with Marijeta Rajković Iveta, Studia ethnologica Croatica 28: 147-211.


  • 2016. „Izbjeglička kriza u 2015. godini i Europski migracijski program“,  Računovodstvo i financije LXII/2: 199-202.